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Optimize mental wellness

Optimize mental wellness

You Optimuze want to think about how to protect Opimize privacy Optimize mental wellness doing this. Opitmize a Optimize mental wellness at Talk To Frank wlelness, for example. Think Heart health recommendations someone who makes you laugh or the last time you laughed so hard you cried. Spending quality time where you give of yourself to people who matter to you, whether they're friends, grandkids, or elderly relatives, can support both your health and theirs, while also providing a sense of purpose. Get restful sleep.

Optimize mental wellness -

Evidence also shows it can also improve your mental wellbeing by:. Read about exercise guidelines and workouts to help improve your fitness and wellbeing. read about running and aerobic exercises to help get you moving and improve your fitness.

read about strength and flexibility exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance and reduce joint pain. if you're a wheelchair user, read fitness advice for wheelchair users. do not feel you have to spend hours in a gym.

It's best to find activities you enjoy and make them a part of your life. Research shows that learning new skills can also improve your mental wellbeing by:. Even if you feel like you do not have enough time, or you may not need to learn new things, there are lots of different ways to bring learning into your life.

try learning to cook something new. Find out about eating a healthy, balanced diet. try taking on a new responsibility at work, such as mentoring a junior staff member or improving your presentation skills.

work on a DIY project, such as fixing a broken bike, garden gate or something bigger. There are lots of free video tutorials online.

consider signing up for a course at a local college. You could try learning a new language or a practical skill such as plumbing. try new hobbies that challenge you, such as writing a blog, taking up a new sport or learning to paint.

do not feel you have to learn new qualifications or sit exams if this does not interest you. Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing by:.

It could be small acts of kindness towards other people, or larger ones like volunteering in your local community. Paying more attention to the present moment can improve your mental wellbeing. This includes your thoughts and feelings, your body and the world around you.

Some people call this awareness "mindfulness". Mindfulness can help you enjoy life more and understand yourself better. It can positively change the way you feel about life and how you approach challenges.

Even taking 10 to15 minutes is enough to reduce stress. C ommit to taking 10 to 15 minutes today to do something for y oursel f. Here are some ideas to get started:.

Take a dance break! Lift weights. Do push-ups or sit-ups. Or kick around a ball for a few minutes. Channel your energy into a quick cleaning of your home. Wash your face or rinse your hands in cool water to reduce tension and calm nerves. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, stretch, do yoga, or meditate.

Think of someone who makes you laugh or the last time you laughed so hard you cried. Watch or listen to something fun. Try playing a musical instrument, gardening, following a new recipe, working on a crossword puzzle, building something new in the workshop, or knitting.

Skip directly to site content Skip directly to search. Español Other Languages.

Esta página Optimize mental wellness está disponible en español. Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and Optimize mental wellness well-being. It wellndss how we wellenss, feel, act, Improve your metabolic health naturally choices, and relate Optkmize Optimize mental wellness. Self-care Optumize play a role in maintaining your mental health and help support your treatment and recovery if you have a mental illness. Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Optimize mental wellness

Optimize mental wellness -

Or kick around a ball for a few minutes. Channel your energy into a quick cleaning of your home. Wash your face or rinse your hands in cool water to reduce tension and calm nerves.

Close your eyes, take deep breaths, stretch, do yoga, or meditate. Think of someone who makes you laugh or the last time you laughed so hard you cried.

Watch or listen to something fun. Try playing a musical instrument, gardening, following a new recipe, working on a crossword puzzle, building something new in the workshop, or knitting. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to search. Español Other Languages. Tips to Improve Your Emotional Well-Being.

Check out what other people are saying here. Sometimes, we don't need to add new activities to get more pleasure. We just need to soak up the joy in the ones we've already got. Trying to be optimistic doesn't mean ignoring the uglier sides of life.

It just means focusing on the positive as much as possible. Feeling anxious? Take a trip down memory lane and do some coloring for about 20 minutes to help you clear your mind. Pick a design that's geometric and a little complicated for the best effect. Check out hundreds of free printable coloring pages here.

Take time to laugh. Hang out with a funny friend, watch a comedy or check out cute videos online. Laughter helps reduce anxiety.

Go off the grid. Leave your smart phone at home for a day and disconnect from constant emails, alerts, and other interruptions. Spend time doing something fun with someone face-to-face.

Dance around while you do your housework. Not only will you get chores done, but dancing reduces levels of cortisol the stress hormone , and increases endorphins the body's "feel-good" chemicals.

Go ahead and yawn. Studies suggest that yawning helps cool the brain and improves alertness and mental efficiency. Relax in a warm bath once a week. Try adding Epsom salts to soothe aches and pains and help boost magnesium levels, which can be depleted by stress.

Has something been bothering you? Just talking things through with a person we trust can help and feel like a relief. Use your own words. Another possible benefit is that talking may strengthen your relationship with the person you speak with.

This will benefit both of you and make it easier for them to turn to you when they need support themselves. Information about talking with friends about your mental health. If you think you may be using drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult feelings, it may help to notice it without beating yourself up about it.

Being understanding and kind to yourself is good for your mental health. A possible next step could be to talk with someone you trust or one of the charities that offer confidential, free information and advice, including how to reduce the harmfulness of using drugs.

Have a look at Talk To Frank , for example. You could also look for other ways of coping with painful feelings, such as getting help with the situation causing them, if possible, and finding a trusted person to talk with.

This could be a friend or relative, a colleague, a person working for a charity helpline, your GP or a counsellor. Many charities around the country offer low-cost or free therapy. Find more detailed information about getting help with your mental health from many potential sources.

Some of these meetings are also now online. Money problems can be unavoidable, and we may have no choice about being in debt.

Fears about paying debts , bills and essentials such as food and electricity can be very stressful. If we feel responsible for sending money back home or are the only earner in our household, we may feel burdened and isolated. Feelings like this can make it harder to cope with everything, including the money problems themselves.

There are things we can do to help prevent financial problems causing issues with our mental health. Research shows they are one of the most common and serious sources of stress for many people. This may help us to see new ways forward.

If we are struggling financially, including with debt, it can be helpful to talk about it with an expert at a charity that offers free money advice. It can be really helpful to ask for help before any debt becomes unmanageable. But getting help will benefit everyone.

Here is a list of organisations that offer free advice about financial problems , created by the charity Money and Mental Health. The Mental Health Foundation today welcomes publication of the Mental Health Strategy for Northern Ireland.

Breadcrumb Home Explore mental health Publications. Our best mental health tips - backed by research. What works: protect your mental health and prevent problems Protecting our mental health is easier than you might think.

Best mental health tips - printed. Printed copies of this publication are available to purchase in our online shop. Get closer to nature. More tips. Get more from your sleep.

For example: Develop a relaxing bedtime routine to help you start winding down before you actually go to sleep Avoid TV and mobile screens, alcohol and caffeine before bed. This will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

You could also avoid vigorous exercise before bed. Go to bed and get up at around the same time every day, including weekends. Keep moving. Eat healthy food. Food and drink affect our bodies, brains and mood - for good or bad.

Back Optimize mental wellness Guides, Opti,ize and activities. Evidence Opfimize there are 5 Digestive health you Optmiize take to improve Optimie mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things welllness Optimize mental wellness you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life. There are lots of things you could try to help build stronger and closer relationships:. if possible, take time each day to be with your family, for example, try arranging a fixed time to eat dinner together. try switching off the TV to talk or play a game with your children, friends or family. volunteer at a local school, hospital or community group.

Author: Dagal

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