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Antifungal properties of garlic

Antifungal properties of garlic

Rassoli, I. An Herbal medicine remedies approach was adopted to evaluate Antifungal properties of garlic genetic diversity among Increase insulin sensitivity garlic cultivars garllic their antifungal potency as well as allicin content distribution and, kf a Amtifungal was performed to study the bio-stimulation mechanism of aqueous garlic extracts AGE in the growth and physiology of cucumber Cucumis sativus. Fars Technological and Environmental Research Center, Division of Medicinal Plants Research, Shiraz, Iran. Feldberg, R. is grown all over the world as seasoning and medicinal vegetable since 3, BC by the Sumerians and East Indians García Gómez and Sánchez-Muniz, GARCÍA GÓMEZ, L.


Garlic is a full of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties

Antifungal properties of garlic -

They are considered opportunistic as the etiologic agents cause mild illness or no illness in healthy people, but it may infect and cause serious diseases in immunosuppressed ones. A simple infection such as candidiasis may be severe and invasive, colonizing the esophagus, stomach and intestine in patients with immunodeficiency syndrome Abbas et al.

and LORENZI, J. Immune response to infectious diseases. Medicina, vol. and DONALD CAPRA, J. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas Sul. Phagocytes, mainly macrophages, respond against fungi and mycoses through the enzyme NO-induced and other mediators secreted to destroy these pathogens.

The cytokines participation is essential once it increases the fungicide capacity of phagocytes, furthering the fungus destruction Coelho-Castelo et al. The Sporothrix schenckii , causal agent of sporotrichosis is dimorphic fungus, of saprophytic life in soil or plants occasionally infecting people and animals.

In man, most of infections are caused by splinters, wood or wire injuries Marques et al. and FABRIS, V. Esporotricose do gato doméstico Felis catus : transmissão humana.

Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo, vol. The mycelial form saprophytic of fungus found in the environment grows at temperatures ranging from 25 °C to 30 °C. The yeast form is found in vivo , at 37 °C, where it reproduces by budding Alegranci, ALEGRANCI, P.

The sporotrichosis injuries are usually limited to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and nearby lymph vessels. Rarely it may spread to other organs or even be systemic, resulting from inhalation of spores.

The infection can be classified as skin, cutaneous lymphatic, skin spread, mucosal and systemic Barros et al. and SCHUBACH, A. Esporotricose: a evolução e os desafios de uma epidemia.

Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, vol. It is the most common subcutaneous mycosis in Latin America, and it has been seen in many countries, in animals and people, it is worth to say that in the 90's in the Rio de Janeiro State the disease reached epidemic proportions Barros et al.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of garlic Allium sativum L. consumption in immunomodulation of healthy and infected Swiss mice induced by S.

Aquous and oily extracts were prepared using 32 g of garlic cloves Allium sativum L. peeled and crushed in mL of distilled water or soybean oil, allowed it to rest for half an hour, and then it was cooled and filtered. The dose of the extracts 0.

Peritoneal exudate's cells PECs of Swiis mice, male, adult, healthy or infected with fungus S. schencki i were collected after the animals were previously submitted to 3. The animals had abdominal skin removed aseptically in a laminar flow cabinet and the peritoneum was exposed. It was inoculated 5 mL of cold PBS with pH 7.

The resulting peritoneal fluid was collected and transferred into a conical sterile tube and centrifuged at rpm for 5 minutes.

The cell pellet was washed three times with 3mL of PBS. The cell suspension was adjusted to final concentration of 5x10 6 cells to accomplish the proposed tests, and the plates with PECs were incubated for one hour in CO 2 incubator at 37°C for the formation of the adherent cells layer pad, and after that the supernatant was discarded and the extracts and solutions corresponding the tests were added on cells.

The NO was spectrophotometrically measured by the Griess Reaction Green et al. Analysis of nitrate, nitrite, and [15N]nitrate in biological fluids.

Analytical Biochemistry, vol. The determination of the nitric oxide NO releasing was performed on floating PECs from infected and uninfected mice with S. schenckii fungus by the garlic extracts challenge 1 mg mL -1 and LPS control positive control or RPMIC negative control.

The control group did not receive garlic extract by gavage, however these groups of PECs were challenged with two different extracts aqueous and oily.

The IL-1β, IL and IL cytokines in floating were quantified PECs obtained as challenged as described above. Quantitation was done by the ELISA enzyme immunoassay of capturing for each cytokine. It was used the strain of Sporothrix schenckii isolated from a pulmonary human infection of sporotrichosis Baltimore, MD , courtesy of Reference Materials Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Currently, this isolate is kept in the Clinical Immunology Laboratory of the Department of Clinical Analysis of Pharmaceutical Sciences School of Araraquara - UNESP, in the mycelial stage in Sabouraud broth, at room temperature ± 25 °C.

The yeasty form is obtained in BHI Brain Heart Infusion, Difco liquid at 37 °C under constant stirring of rpm during seven days. Thereafter, an aliquot containing fungal units was transferred to a mL Erlenmeyer containing mL of BHI broth, and cultured for five days under the same conditions, in that it corresponds with the phase of logarithmic growth previously described by Ferreira et al.

and CARLOS, I. Optimal clearance of Sporothrix schenckii requires an intact Th17 response in a mouse model of systemic infection. Immunobiology, vol. The animals were inoculated with µL of a suspension containing 10 6 S. schenckii yeast in PBS or an equal volume of PBS alone by intraperitoneal administration.

The evaluation of the systemic fungal load for infections monitoring was made considering a determination of colony forming units CFU in the spleen of the animals after they were removed. The CFU were counted after 3 days, and affirmed after 5 days of incubation at room temperature.

Evaluation of antifungal activity was performed using the microdilution test according to Standard MA2 of National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

The culture of S. schenckii was used by preparing an inoculum in sterile PBS. Serial dilutions were done in RPMI medium with MOPS, with the fungal suspension adjusted to a concentration of 2.

The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and were submitted to Lilliefors test to verify the normality, the Levene test to verify the homoscedasticity, and variance analysis ANOVA one way - Tukey post test.

However, animals not previously exposed to extracts CG , when stimulated by the extracts, show more NO production, compared to the negative control, what does not occurs in animals that receive the garlic extract orally AG. This shows that the garlic immunomodulatory activity may be used in different ways, in that the response changes if it is ingested regularly or in acute way Figure 1A.

The AG infected with the S. This shows that the consumption of garlic may increase the production of NO, even in conditions that the production is already increased, as in this case by the induced infection Figure 1B.

The infection increased the NO production in all groups, this is shown in Figures 1C , 1D and 1E. The IL-1β production in infected animals did not differed between the studied groups faced by the challenges with extracts, there was only a difference between the positive control, in that all were different among them, with higher production for the OG.

Clearly, the garlic extracts have showed anti-inflammatory activity when administered in a chronic way 15 days , however, PECs of the animals that did not have previous contact with the extracts CG , when challenged with the garlic extracts, it showed higher values to LPS challenge positive control , indicating that the acute use of garlic may be a potent stimulator of IL-1β production, especially in healthy ones.

Among the healthy animals, those that were given garlic extract had IL production increased Figure 3A , compared to the group that did not received the extract orally CG. In AG and OG treatments, the LPS challenge, NC and extract corresponding were significantly different.

The production of IL by healthy animals that received garlic extract orally AG and OG and were stimulated by the extracts was lower compared to those that did not received CG , however in infected animals the response was unlike, animals from AG and OG stimulated by their extracts show a higher production when compared to the animals of the control group in that it was equally stimulated Figures 4A and 4B.

PECs of CG when challenged with the extracts showed values of IL production above the positive control Figure 4A. The groups treated with garlic showed a higher ability to control the infection, as can be seen in Figure 5.

The Table 1 shows the antifungal activity of the extracts at its minimum concentration. It is known that in natura garlic or in the form of extracts reduces fungal growth, cause damage to the membrane and inhibit the synthesis of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids Harris et al. and LLOYD, D.

Antimicrobial properties of Allium sativum garlic. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. and GORJI, A. Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, vol. In this research, the 10 th day post-infection, active washout of fungus, infected animals that were treated with garlic extracts showed much lower fungal load compared to untreated animals, that is, it caused a more effective response in infection control demonstrating effectiveness against in vivo fungus.

In addition, the aqueous and oily extracts showed to be capable of inhibiting S. schenckii growth, respectively, at doses of 0.

The most ability in infection control may be justified by the fact that the destruction of invaders by macrophages is significantly increased with the garlic extract elements, which it increases the number of peritoneal macrophages, their action, and expression of receptors in the membranes Ghazanfari et al.

Enhancement of peritoneal macrophage phagocytic activity against by garlic. Leishmania majorAllium Sativum treatmentJournal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. The treatment with garlic then may be indicated as a complementary and alternative way of therapy, thereby decreasing the dose of medication used.

The Immunity against fungus shows up the importance of Th1 pathway, where there is a release of cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-1 and IL On the other hand, the Th2 pathway that releases stimulating citokines of antibody production IL-4, IL and IL shows limited value in the host defense against these agents Giraldo and Witkin, GIRALDO, P.

and WITKIN, S. Vaginal candidiasis: an incomprehensible challege. Jornal Brasileiro de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis, vol. In the immune response against sporotrichosis, macrophages when activated in culture with fungal cell wall components produce proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, which stimulate phagocytic response Carlos et al.

and MAIA, D. Current research on the immune response to experimental sporotrichosis. Mycopathologia, vol. and release intermediate nitrogen and oxygen compounds with fungicide function Carlos et al. and PLACERES, M. Sporothrix schenckii lipid inhibits macrophage phagocytosis: involvement of nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor-alphaScandinavian Journal of Immunology, vol.

The ability of active macrophages release NO is very important in host defense, as it allows the attack to different types of pathogens Janeway et al. The same can be seen in this work where animals consuming garlic have showed higher levels of pro-inflammatory interleukins IL-1β and IL when infected, however, when in a healthy state, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL suffered an increase in the production.

Considering that excessive inflammation is a critical factor in many human diseases including cancer, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative and intestinal diseases, type I diabetes, and even in aging Santangelo et al. and MASELLA, R. Polyphenols, intracellular signalling and inflammation.

Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Also, according to the results of this study, garlic may be used to fight pain, since its consumption decreases the production of IL-1β in healthy animals. The IL-1β leads to systemic inflammation through the activation of cyclooxygenase-2, with PGE2 formation in the anterior hypothalamus, having an important role in the development of pain Oliveira et al.

Fabian et al. and ROA, R. Alliin, a garlic Allium sativum compound, prevents LPS-induced inflammation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.

Mediators of Inflammation, vol. showed that treatment with allicin in culture of 3T3-L1 adipocytes, was able to restrain the inflammatory induction by LPS.

Considering the fact that in our study garlic also had a positive modulatory action on the immune system induced by oral administration, perhaps garlic may be a functional food to be highly recommended in the treatment of contemporary chronic diseases, with inflammatory condition, as with obesity.

In short, garlic extract shows potential antifungal against S. and oral administration of garlic extracts influences the release of cytokines by macrophages, regular consumption shows anti-inflammatory effect, while the acute use might bring forth an inflammatory response.

Animals that consumed garlic responded more effectively to fight the infection. However, more studies are needed to fully understand the garlic action to fight infections, and thereby elucidate alternatives to combat fungal infections and possible treatments less toxic to the host.

Abrir menu Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. Submissão de manuscritos Sobre o periódico Corpo Editorial Instruções aos autores Contato. Español English. Abrir menu. sumário « anterior atual seguinte ». Resumo Resumo Inglês Resumo Português. Texto EN Texto Inglês. PDF Download PDF Inglês.

Abstract Garlic Allium sativum L. Resumo O alho Allium sativum L. Introduction Garlic Allium sativum L. Methodology 2. Obtaining and administering of extracts Aquous and oily extracts were prepared using 32 g of garlic cloves Allium sativum L. Obtaining of peritoneal exudate cells Peritoneal exudate's cells PECs of Swiis mice, male, adult, healthy or infected with fungus S.

Determination of NO The NO was spectrophotometrically measured by the Griess Reaction Green et al. Determination of cytokines The IL-1β, IL and IL cytokines in floating were quantified PECs obtained as challenged as described above.

Micro-organism, culture conditions and experimental infection It was used the strain of Sporothrix schenckii isolated from a pulmonary human infection of sporotrichosis Baltimore, MD , courtesy of Reference Materials Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Determination of fungal load The evaluation of the systemic fungal load for infections monitoring was made considering a determination of colony forming units CFU in the spleen of the animals after they were removed.

Evaluation of antifungal capacity by microdilution Evaluation of antifungal activity was performed using the microdilution test according to Standard MA2 of National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

Statistical analysis The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and were submitted to Lilliefors test to verify the normality, the Levene test to verify the homoscedasticity, and variance analysis ANOVA one way - Tukey post test. Figure 1 Production of NO in culture of peritoneal exudate cells of Swiss mice healthy and infected with S.

schenckii fungus on the 10 th day after infection. AG group that received aqueous extract , OG group that received oily extract and CG group that received PBS by gavage. Same letters does not show significantly statistical difference. Different letters are statistically different. Comparison between extract stimulus in A and B.

AG group that received aqueous extract , OG group that received Oily extract and CG group that received PBS by gavage. Same letters does not show significant statistical difference. Same letters does not show significantly difference.

Comparison between extract stimulus in A, B. The extract was prepared using two solvents aqueous and ethanol by soaking method. The antifungal activity of aqueous and ethanolic garlic extract was determined on some selected fungi namely, Fusarium spp and Rhizopus spp.

From the results it is clear that, ethanol extract showed more activity when compare to aqueous extract. The diameter of zones of inhibition for the ethanolic extract ranged between 4. The MIC for the ethanolic extract was 2. While for aqueous extract there was no effect on both tested organisms.

It can be concluded from this study that garlic extract showed antifungal activity against the test organism. Moreover, the ethanolic extract showed inhibitory activity among the tested fungi.

Downloads Download data is not yet available. View pdf Abstract Download pdf. How to Cite Daniel Danladi, Aisha Haruna, A.

Antifungal Activity of Garlic Allium sativum Extract on Some Selected Fungi. Journal of Medicinal Herbs and Ethnomedicine , 4 , 12—

Thank propertes for Ov nature. You are using a browser Antifungal properties of garlic with limited support for CSS. To yarlic the best experience, we recommend Lean protein sources use a more pdoperties to date garloc or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Allicin diallylthiosulfinate is a defence molecule from garlic Allium sativum L. with broad antimicrobial activities in the low µM range against Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, including antibiotic resistant strains, and fungi. Allicin reacts with thiol groups and can inactivate essential enzymes. Antifunval has the charisma of Calorie surplus tracker Pancreas disorders gwrlic Pancreas disorders holds its repute Pancreas disorders Antidungal therapeutic panacea since the dawn Antifngal civilization. Garliv integrated approach was adopted to evaluate the genetic diversity among Chinese garlic cultivars for Antifunfal antifungal potency as well as allicin content if and, furthermore; a bioassay was performed to study the bio-stimulation mechanism of aqueous garlic extracts AGE in the growth and physiology of cucumber Cucumis sativus. Initially, 28 garlic cultivars were evaluated against four kinds of phytopathogenic fungi; Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea, Verticillium dahliae and Phytophthora capsicirespectively. A capricious antifungal potential among the selected garlic cultivars was observed. HPLC fingerprinting and quantification confirmed diversity in allicin abundance among the selected cultivars. Cultivar G, G, and G had the highest allicin content of 3. Cluster analysis revealed three groups on the basis of antifungal activity and allicin content among the garlic cultivars.

Author: Dilar

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